An issue that I am concerned about is pollution, especially garbage from restaurants, schools, universities/ colleges, sporting events/ stadiums, etc. Not only on land is pollution a problem but within our oceans all over the world. Oceans are being flooded with plastics and chemicals running […]
Category: Cohort 3
Civic Action
An issue I am concerned about is water security. Water security is an issue throughout the world, especially in rural areas of Central and South America, but Mendoza, Argentina is especially vulnerable and they have been having a water crisis for over eleven years. Due […]
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
If I had to migrate to another country, I would probably migrate to another English-speaking country such as Canada (the UK would have been on my list, but current events have me wondering somewhat) or Australia, but if neither of those were for some reason […]
Civic Action
An issue I an particularly focused on is that of fast fashion and, specifically, the unethical and unsustainable ways in which clothing is mass-produced to fit current trends and fads and not made to last for very long. This is a wide-branching issue, as not […]
Civic Action
An issue that is prevalent is the pollution of the Oceans. All over the world, people continue to pollute the ocean not only by littering but also by fishing. Overfishing is negatively affecting the ocean greatly and introduces harmful plastics and destroys ecosystems by removing […]
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
If I found myself in a situation where I had to immigrate to another country, it would probably be to Canada, considering that I could drive through the border instead of having to deal with an airport, and since the only language I speak reliably […]
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
If I migrated to another country, I would land in a country in Europe, perhaps Itlay. My identity as an army brat, and also as a half Eastern European, would greatly enhance my experience in a foreign country. My identity up this point has been […]
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
After attending the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion workshop on Tuesday, I now have a better understanding of what really are Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and mean to us all during these challenging times. The articles touched on how the farmworkers are stuck in this domino […]
After attending last week’s workshop on sustainability, I now have a better understanding of what sustainability really means. I thought that sustainability was just protecting future generations and protecting the environment in green and ethical ways for all. But after some thought, sustainability refers to […]
The image I selected before the workshop was the image of the globe made up by words; I selected this because, to me, it represented how opinions from multiple parts of the world need to be taken into account to properly address the needs of […]